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00:00 Speaker 1: Approach the female dog slowly, as she begins to squat. Place a shallow container under her after she has started to urinate. It is easiest to leave the container on the ground until she has finished. This is called a midstream sample. If you have used a pie plate transfer the urine to a collection container with a lid and bring it to your vet as soon as possible
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Make sure that you use a clean plastic container. Your vet may provide you with one or you may use a clean margarine dish or something similar. A pie plate works best for female dogs.
Keep in mind that a fresh specimen is best. Anything more than 12 hours old will not provide accurate results.
If you can’t bring in the specimen within an hour of collecting it, make sure to place it in the refrigerator.
Before collecting a specimen from a male dog, make sure you know which leg the dog prefers to lift, or if he prefers to squat.
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